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11.02-18.02.2022 at TOPIC - exhibition - workshops - concert

Hécatombes Collectives

11.02 au 18.02.2022, at Topic

Exhibition - workshops - concert

Hécatombe & friends

11.02-18.02.2022 at TOPIC, Avenue Ernest-Pictet 30, 1203 Geneva

On the programme:

Fri 11.02 - opening 4pm-8pm

Sat 12.02 - free workshops for all
>> Stamp / gum engraving workshop with Fanny Kopp from 2pm to 4pm
>> Mini-book workshop with Aude Barrio from 16.30 to 18.30

di 13.02 - free workshops
>> Textile screen printing workshop with Antoine Fischer 2pm-4pm (bring your t-shirt) - all public
>> Introduction to tarot reading with Fanny Kopp 4.30-6pm - for adults

Fri 18.02 - closing 5-8pm
>> concert Cute Boy Slave (nur + Aude Barrio) at 6.30 pm + vernissage of the eponymous k7, label dents de scie
>> vernissage of the tarot deck RATO in serigraphy, ed. Hécatombe

Exhibition open every day from 4pm to 6pm (except Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th, closed). The exhibition is visible from the street at all times.
To register for the workshops, please write to

Atelier McClane, Ben Sanair, Buster Yañez, Elorri Chariton, Emma Souharce, Fanny Kopp, Fred Fivaz, Grande Julie, Guillaume Fuchs, Grumplade, Hayan Kam Nakache, Helge Reumann, Hugo Baud, Ibn Al Rabin, Jeanne Tara, Julie Jardel, Karl Girard, Laura Rivanera, Léa Gallon, Lucas Berbier, Lucas Cantori, Lucas Ferrero, Loraine Portigliatti, Mara Krastina, Matéo Luthi, Melchior Best, Nicolas Robel, Noémie Pierre, Nur, Oriane Lassus, Paul Werner, Pierre Schilling, Renaud Thomas, Roxane Bovet, Slavi, Yohan Mudry
Le Collectif Hécatombe: Aude Barrio, Antoine Fischer, Barbara Meuli, Thomas Perrodin, Yannis La Macchia.


The Hécatombes Collectives project is supported by Loterie Romande, ProHelvetia and the City of Geneva